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Showing posts from December, 2016

Bye 2016, Let's look back (but not in anger)

Dear 2016, Thank you for telling me that it’s always 'ok' to not feeling 'ok'. Thank you for opening my eyes and making me realize that sometime, we need to give ourselves a break. That… disappointment is never a big deal. And it’s not as scary as.. or as painful as I used to think. Thank you for teaching me that being bold won’t hurt you. That sometimes.. we need to fight for our right and it would never be a crime. Holding yourself back would never change anything. So be brave to step forward. it’s either now or never. Thank you for making me understand that sometime, we just have to let our live go with the flow. Relax, ‘cause it is good to have a plan, but when God has a better plan for you… don’t say ‘No’! Never!. Thank you for reminding me that our faith in God will grow stronger when we keep our dreams alive. That.. it is also a way to stay connected to God and to strengthen the bond between God and us. Above all, thank you for helping me...

Being an extroverted-introvert

"Introvert itu…  pendiam, pemalu, anti-sosial, kutu buku, culun dll" Hmmm, biar saya luruskan..  Sebenernya, being introvert doesn’t make you anti-social, It’s just that you see the world in a different way. While the extroverts love to be surrounded by people, the introverts treasure their alone time. Does it mean the introverts hate people or the world? No, we don’t. We don’t hate people or even the world. This is just our way of lovin’ them J So, what is an extroverted-introvert? Extroverted-Introvert atau bisa dibilang  ' an easy going introvert' adalah seorang introvert yang ‘able to deal with the extroverted life’ . Gini.. dalam kasus saya, saya sadar dari sejak kecil kalo saya ini sejatinya adalah seorang introvert. Tapi kemudian, Tuhan menakdirkan saya untuk hidup di lingkungan yang sangat extrovert. Keluarga besar saya adalah orang-orang yang tidak bisa hidup tanpa ‘ ngariung’ . Segala hal harus dilakukan bersama-sama. Kadang, pilihan jod...

Mari menulis (lagi)

So here we go again.. Kenapa harus ada kata ‘lagi’? Karena dulu saya juga menulis. Sebagai 'anak sastra', you had no choice but to write down what you feel and see. Tapi kemudian idealisme “anak sastra” ini took its toll on me . Saya memandang tulisan saya sendiri “rubbish” karena nggak “nyastra”. Otak saya saat itu dibebani doktrin "kalo nggak nyastra jangan nulis". Padahal, bagian otak saya yang lain sadar kalo sastra itu jenisnya banyak. Dan setiap penulis punya gaya masing-masing. Tapi kemudian idealisme “anak sastra” saya mulai luntur seiring umur yang semakin bertambah. Semakin hari semakin saya bisa memahami kenapa dulu dosen mata kuliah apresiasi sastra saya mati-matian encourage mahasiswanya buat nulis. Dia selalu bilang “mulai dari buat catatan harian”. Beliau bahkan selalu mengingatkan :  “Kalo ide mengetuk pintu, langsung tulis. Kalau kamu terlambat, ide itu tidak akan pernah kembali. Kalaupun dia kembali mengetuk pintu, dia mungkin akan datang ...